Sweet, Sweet Sound - Sarah Reeves | ||||||||
If you let me I could, I'd show you how to build your fences
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
Saturday, March 14, 2009, 5:31 AM
SOFTBALL ROCKS MY SUPER HIGH SOCKS!!! MUAHAHAHAAAAA! had softball match today! competed with new town then after a long break, pei cai. was realllyyyyy cooool! even though i hadn't participated, i learnt. hahaha! like that you must always focus on the ball, and ur role given, and not the runner. still learning. hope i can participated soon, even next yr! gonna hav a match with fajar next sat. then won't go to church on that day, will go on sun instead. yay! God has been really good! he answered all my prayers, instantly, and some had to take a while. Jasmine injured her third finger, then i prayed, and soon her hand stopped shaking. ALL THANKS TO THE LORD ALMIGHTY BABY! reached church in time for the games day comm meeting and was able toserve with pearl. i had a hard time serving cuz i used to serve with earnest, and he serves in a diff way from pearl and theodore, but i have to get used to it cuz i can't always constantly stick to smth. MUST TRY NEW THINGS AND STRATEGIES! HAHAHAAAA! HERE ARE SOME PICS FROM SOFTBALL! Saturday, March 7, 2009, 11:34 PM
prayer is very important in your life. and in mine! prayer changes the world. iCANchangeTHEworld. God showed me that to be a leader, i must first be reliant to him. i must be constant in my relationship with him. i can't dilly-dally, and toy with the relationship. God has to come first in everything i do. iMUSTyieldTOgod. "if you remain in me & my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish& it will be given to you" ~John15:7~ , 11:14 PM
CAMP WAS QUITE OKAY. unexpectedly. despite the bed, toilets, mud, sleeping hours, Zzz. weather was good. new frens. new experiences. would say i hate it, yet i wouldn't. God is great with answering your prayers. don't doubt. HE ANSWERS. treasure his word. THANK YOU LORD FOR EVERYTHING! NEVER SHALL I DOUBT YOU MY WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR! loveeeeeesss...~he's as clear as a snow flake...:] |
What is under an egg that is being cooked? the egg white or yolk? the egg white of course. what do u have to go through be fore achieving a sunny side up? which are FACES the HEAT? THE EGG WHITE. JUST LIKE LIFE. before we can achieve our goal, the destination, we have to go through problems, BOUNDARIES. what ABOUT boundaries? what if the fire is TOO BIG, or too small? what would become of the egg? good? bad? PERFECT? we can never know. but all we can do is continue with what we are doing, and accept what becomes of it. -[♥]- " for i know the plans i have for you," declares the Lord," plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11- . |
+ 4-Oneon friday, 4-sept-2009, i attended the IGNYTE... + THANK GOD THAT I HAVE RECOVERED!thank u lord for a... + goodbye MJ. :[i really thank God for such a music ... + LIFE CHARITY CONCERT! was a great performance! eve... + paper clipsjust a month ago, while clearing my thi... + WHOAAAAA... MAY ALREADY MANNN!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA... + SOFTBALL ROCKS MY SUPER HIGH SOCKS!!! MUAHAHAHAAAA... + BROTHER KAHFEI ROCKS!prayer is very important in y... + CAMP WAS QUITE OKAY.unexpectedly.despite the bed, ... + HEARTS.HUGS.&.KISSES.:] wheni'mgone
+ November 2008 + December 2008 + February 2009 + March 2009 + May 2009 + July 2009 + August 2009 + September 2009 takeabow
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |